Musicians rock. Their performances bring us so much enjoyment. But music is a lot more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing hazard. Since musicians expose themselves to loud music on a daily basis, their hearing is at greater risk of being damaged. As you get older, you’ll still want to be […]
Hearing loss is difficult, if not impossible, to diagnose by yourself. For instance, you can’t actually put your ear next to a speaker and subjectively evaluate what you hear. Which means that if you want to understand what’s happening with your hearing, you need to take a test. But there’s no need to be concerned […]
Knowing what type of hearing loss you are experiencing can help you and your hearing specialist identify the right treatment plan, including hearing aids. […]
Despite some promising new treatments, some types of hearing loss cannot currently be cured. But there are treatments available for those with hearing loss. […]