It’s hard to be separated from your hearing aid once you get accustomed to having one. Your hearing aids are, after all, your connection to the world around you. But just like any technology, though, it will need to be upgraded eventually. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the […]
Have you ever awoke after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a beautiful song through your open window? So happens, there’s a name for all those birdsongs: the dawn chorus. Birds see the sunrise and, for some reason, decide it’s time to belt out their favorite melody. Each species has its own set of […]
If you’re not very wealthy, a car really isn’t an impulse purchase. Which means you will most likely do a lot of research first. You look at reviews, you assess prices, and you evaluate gas mileage. (You’re on Google a lot.) It makes sense to do this level of research. For most individuals who aren’t […]
Do you remember those gallon buckets of ice cream you used to get at grocery stores? As a kid, they were awesome because they offered an entire gallon of ice cream, that’s a lot of frozen custard and high-fructose corn syrup! But as you grow up, you begin to get a bit more specific. You […]
You go out of your way to be certain your hearing aids are well cared for. When you go to sleep, you always put them comfortably on the charger and you clean them daily. Suddenly and discouragingly, your hearing aids aren’t working the way they used to. There are several things you can do to […]
If you’re still wearing your older hearing aids, they may be better than no hearing aids, but they also could be costing you in some ways. Hearing aid technology has progressed a lot in the past few years! It’s changed to digital from analog, for one thing, and there are features currently that weren’t even […]
When it comes to history, there are three distinct kinds of people: those who find history to be incredibly fascinating, individuals who think history is horribly dull, and people who think history is full of aliens. Aliens aren’t responsible for the history of hearing aids. But the real story is probably pretty weird too. Hearing […]
Even if you have an active, healthy lifestyle, you could experience hearing loss and certain cognitive concerns as you grow older. And a strong connection between the two has been discovered by scientists which should never be overlooked. So don’t turn off that hearing aid. Depression is two times as likely in individuals who have […]
We’ve all had that itch that seemed impossible to scratch. Okay, there are two ways to consider it: The first thing you may think of is that bucket list item you just never seem to get to. Or, that itchy spot on your back that you just can’t manage to reach might come to mind. […]
Musicians rock. Their performances bring us so much enjoyment. But music is a lot more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing hazard. Since musicians expose themselves to loud music on a daily basis, their hearing is at greater risk of being damaged. As you get older, you’ll still want to be […]